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No. 367

April 2012


ISSN 0019-5170


Globalization and its Impacts on Textile
Industry's Export Performance in the?
Nigerian Economy 1980-2007
(An error correction approach)

Mrs. M. A. Loto

The paper investigated the impact of globalization on the textile industry's export performance in Nigeria between 1980 -2007. Export demand equation model was used to analyze this impact The study made use of time series data. The method of Least Square (OLS) regression model was applied. The long-run stability of the variables used was tested by making use of the unit-root test The cointegration test was also performed to detect whether the variables moved along the same path. The error correction test was also performed to detect the speed of adjustment to equilibrium in the case of sudden shock. The outcome of the results shows that globalization has negative relationship with the textile industry in Nigeria. However globalization may contribute to the expansion in the textile industry's export through the importation of high technology capital inputs


Department of Economics, University of Lagos, Nigeria, Mobile Phone: 08060286456 E-mail Address:

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Twin Deficits Phenomenon
in SriLanka
An Econometric Study

Kanchan Datta


Chandan Kumar Mukhopadhyay

Twin deficits means simultaneous emergence of budget deficit and trade deficit. It is observed that budget deficit cannot alone exist without the presence of trade deficit Similarly trade deficit cannot emerge without the emergence of budget deficit This has lead to the research studies concerning the causal relationship between these two deficits. It is important to know if budget deficit causes the emergence of trade deficit or vice versa in any economy. Theoretically four possibilities are in existence.

(i) Budget deficit is the responsible for having trade deficit
(ii) Though theoretically has not so developed, but Trade deficit can cause the Budget deficit
(iii) There is bi-directional causality can take place and finally
(iv) There is no relation between these two deficits that is they are independent.

Two different Hypotheses exist in regard to the relation of these two variables, viz.


1. Reader, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling.
2. Professor, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling.

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Inequality, Decomposition of Inequality
and Stationarity of State Domestic
Product: An Empirical Evidence from
Twenty Indian States


Alok Kumar Pandey


Annapurna Dixit


In this paper an attempt has been made to detect stationarity and inequality of the State Domestic Product among twenty states of Indian Federal System. For the purpose, time series and panel data has been utilized. Inequality in SDP and per capita SDP among states has been estimated with the help of Gini coefficient, generalized entropy indices and Atkinson indices. An attempt has been made to decompose inequality by using panel data. Indices of inequality are higher for SDP in comparison with per capita SDP. All the indices of within group inequality are higher than between group for SDP while it is vice ~ versa for per capita SDP. Percentile Ratios', Generalized Entropy Indices and Atkinson Indices reveal the presence of unit root at level and zero lag which shows the inequality among states are not stationary during the period under study.


1. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, DAV PG College (BHU), Varanasi,     Maharashi Dayanand Marg, Narharpur, Aushanganj, Varanasi-221001, Uttar Pradesh
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, AM PG College (BHU), Varanasi,         Chetgani Varanasi-221001, Uttar Pradesh

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Trade and Environment in India:
A Computable General Equilibrium

Koushik Das


Pinaki Chakraborty

This paper intends to examine trade and environment interrelationship in the computable general equilibrium (CGE) framework. Since pure theory of international trade is not much akin to perfectly competitive set up, monopolistically completive market structure is assumed with increasing returns to scale in the production sector. Using India's social accounting matrix(SAM) for the year 2003-04 environmental impacts of international trade as well as macroeconomic impacts of environmental policy are studied in a computable general equilibrium framework. In most of the cases empirical results adhere to traditional theories on trade and environment interrelationship.

Environmental emission now a day has attained a great deal of attention so far as global sustainable development is concerned. Advocates of free trade in this regard sometimes point out that developing economies are emerging as the "pollution haven" for dirty manufacturing industries.


Assist. Prof.. Economics, Chandidas Mahavidyalaya under Burdwan University, West Bengal professor, Economics, Burdwan University, West Bengal.

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Indebtedness and Its determinants
in Indian Agriculture


Kulwinder Kaur


Rural households with better physical and human resource base or comparatively more self-sufficient to satisfy their needs are less prone to the problem of indebtedness. However, because of their better borrowing capacities, the extent of indebtedness among them is significantly higher than other segment of die rural society. The same is true about the households self-employed in various agricultural and non-agricultural activities in the rural areas. Borrowings for consumption purposes lead the rural households depressed to debt Both the probability as well as extent of indebtedness is higher among die households living in agricultural prosperous regions and those having higher presence of rural financial institutions. Exposure to higher risk due to natural calamities push increasing proportion of rural population depress to debt

The problem of rural indebtedness has caught the attention of researchers, policymakers and those who are concerned with the wellbeing of the population. This problem of debt is related with the inherent nature of agricultural production. Because of large time lag in sowing and harvesting of crops, people borrow not only to smooth their consumption needs but also to meet many other social obligations. Borrowings become even


1. Assistant Professor, Hindu College. University of Delhi, Delhi. India

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Exchange Rate Volatility and Its
Effect on Export of India; An
Empirical Analysis


Debiprasad Bal


The present study empirically examines the effects of exchange rate volatility on India's export by using monthly and quarterly data from 1993 to 2008. The present study uses monthly data on Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) for measuring the exchange rate volatility. The Autoregressive Conditional Hetroscadasticity (ARCH) model is used for measuring the exchange rate volatility by using the data on Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER). To examine die impact of exchange rate volatility on India's export, the study applies the simple Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The study concludes that, there is no statistical and significant relationship between the exchange rate volatility and export of the country. But; in the short term disequilibrium (which is misalignment;) of exchange rate, is negatively affects the export of the country.


Research Scholar, Dept. of Economics, School of Management, Pondicherry
University, Pondicherry.

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