The Indian Journal of Economics
Quarterly Publication
July, October, January, April.
In Press
Issue No. 416 - July, 2024
Latest Publication
Issue No. 415 - April, 2024
Issue No. 414 - January, 2024
Instructions to Authors
  1. Papers for consideration of Publication be sent by
    Email to-
    The Managing Editor
    Indian Journal of Economics
    University of Allahabad
    Prayagraj-211002 ( India)

  2. Manuscripts should be clearly typed in double space (one side) on quarter size (A-4 in Europe) paper with 1.5" wide margin on the left and 0.5 on the right. Professionally drawn graphs and diagrams in black and white must be provided wherever necessary along with the manuscript.

  3. The manuscript should be accompanied by the Author's declaration stating that it is being dispatched for exclusive consideration by the Journal and has not been sent elsewhere for publication.

  4. The main text of the manuscript should ideally fall within the range of 6000-8000 words. However, the journal does not impose strict limits on word count or page number for a high-quality and innovative paper.

  5. The cover page of the manuscript should contain the Title of the Paper, Author's name, mailing address, professional affiliation (if different from the mailing address) and acknowledgments. The first page of the Paper must also provide the Title of the Paper, but it should not give the Author's name or address.

  6. Every manuscript must include not more than 500 words, Abstract typed on a separate page.

  7. All notes must be serially numbered. These may be given at the end of the Paper or on every page as endnotes.

  8. Complete references should be given separately at the end of the Paper and arranged alphabetically as, Tobin, J. (1958): Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk, Review of Economic Studies, Vol.25, pp.65-86.

    Tobin: J. (1971): Essays in Economics, Vol. 1, Macroeconomics, Amsterdam: North Holland.

    Giejier Herbert, ( 1970): Pridictive World Models, in Callete Bujrez and Etienne Sadi Krischen, eds, Magrates, A World Income and Trade Model for 1975, pp. 3-16, Amsterdam: North Holland.

    References in the text and in the notes or footnotes should simply give the name of the Authour and the year of publication quoted , e.g. Theil, ( 1970). Page numbers too may be given wherever necessary e.g., Hicks, (1974) : pp. 15-23.

  9. The Author (s) will be given one copy of the concerned Issue, free of charge.

    Contributors, who wish to receive back manuscripts, which are not approved by the Editorial Board, are advised to enclose postage stamps of appropriate value to enable us to return the manuscripts. Manuscripts ordinarily are retained by the Journal. The contents of this Journal are copyright, and permission must be obtained in writing for quoting paraphrasing more than 600 words from any one Article. Every quotation must contain acknowledgment of its source.

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