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No. 376

July 2014

Vol. XCV




Marxian Law of the Falling Tendency
of Rate of Profit In Indian
Manufacture Sector

Soumita Mondal Chakraborty

This paper, attempts to verify empirically the validity Marx's law of 'falling tendency of the rate of profit in the manufacturing sector in India during 1967-2007 following Marxian methodology. The work shows that the rate of profit in the manufacturing sector follows significant rising trend during the above period along with consistent increase in organic composition of capital as well as the rate of surplus value. The most important factor contributing the upward movement of the rate of profit in India is the increasing profit-wage ratio signifying declining wage-share in value-added over the entire period. The rise in organic composition of capital is in fact over compensated by the increase in the rate of surplus value in the organized sector in India during the study period.

  • Department of Economics, DAV College, Sector-10, Chandigarh, India Email:

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 Economic and Environmental
Implications of Compressed
Gas (CNG) Consumption
A Case Study of Delhi City

Stkamier Kumar* Rakesh Singh**
Ritika Rana ***

Pollution has definitely been the bane of contemporary society and is a great topic for debate at all levels , People and institutions alike, have been battling it out for a �cleaner, greener, world.' With this perspective, one should take a closer look at Delhi. Not only the commuting is getting expansive but also it affects the healthy environment in which each human form must dwell. Switching over to CNG will help solving both the problems. The battle for strictly

  • * Professor and Director CCS & PRC, Department of Economics, Himanchal Pradhesh University, Shimla - 171005.
  • ** Assistant Professor, Swami Vivekanand Goverment Degree College, Ghumarwin, Bilaspur, H.P. - 174021
  • *** Research Scholar, Department of Economice, Himanchal Pradhesh University, Shimla - 171005

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A Theoretical and Quantitative Analysis
of Financial Inclusion and
Economic Growth

Anand S. Kodan (Kablana)*
Dr. Kuldip S. Chhikara**

The heterogeneity in view about the financial inclusion prevalis across the globe since the need of financial products varies from individual and country to country. But, majority of researchers and thinkers opine that 'financial inclusion is the easy availability of all banking services at an affordable cost, reasonable time and adequate quantity to all needy people, which should also be available in appropriate forms [broader sense]; 'financial inclusion includes the easy access of all people to the minimum basic financial services' [narrow sense].

  • *Doctorate Degree Student, Department of Commerce, MD University, Rohtak, Haryana - 124001 Email:
  • ** Professor, Department of Commerce, MD University, ROhtak Haryana - 124001 Email:

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From Wealth of Nations to Wealth of
Relations: The Power of Social
Networks in the Small World
of Economics

T. Lakshmanasamy1

Mainstream economic analysis, importantly the neoclassical economics, approaches human actions in an atomistic and isolated world, completely devoid of the social context within which human beings act Even the developments in game theory consider only individualistic strategic behaviour when a human interact with another individual. However, human beings always interact with many others in any society, and in many instances with a third party via an intermediary and thus, every economic behaviour is a part of a social network. The establishment of connections or links within social organisations plays a central role in economic behaviour and the position and distance within networks enables the actors in acquiring or disseminating information and thus networks matter for

  • 1 Professor, Department of Econometrics, University of Madras, Chennai - 600 005.;

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Comparative Advantage of India
in Silk Goods Exports

Kumaresan, P.*, Indumati, S.**
Mr. Archana Thakur***

A study was conducted to explore the structure of comparative advantage enjoyed by India and China in the global silk goods market in a comparative framework. Basala's RCA Index was employed on the export data to analyze the pattern of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA). The results revealed that as a major producer of raw silk, China remained competitive in all the silk products during 1992-2009. India did not have any comparative advantage in raw silk as the demand for raw silk exceeded the domestic production. However, India could maintained its RCA in the finished and value added products such as woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste, women's/girls' blouses, shirts, shirt-blouses and shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like.

  • �Scientist, Central Silk Board, B.T.M. Layout; Madivala, Bangalore - 560 068, Karnataka E-mail:
  • ��Vice-Chancellor, Davangere University, Shivagangotii, Davangere - 577 002, Karnataka Deputy Secretary, University Grants Commission, New Delhi -110 002

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