Special Centennial Issue |
No. 415 |
April 2024 |
Vol. CIV (Part-IV) |
ISSN: 0019-5170 |
Analysis of Inter-State and Inter-Region Beta-
Convergence Growth Rates in India
in Post Reform Period
Ombir Singh
There is a long standing debate among the scholars over the
convergence versus divergence of regional growth rate of
per capita income in India. The present study tries to resolve
this debate in the light of latest available data by using Beta-
convergence analysis in panel data framework. The results
indicate to the presence of unconditional divergence and
conditional convergence in case of both inter-state and inter-
region analysis, which indicates that the unconditional
divergence may be due to the presence of omitted variable
bias. The results also indicates that the primary sector
contributes in the reduction of interstate as well as inter-
region income inequality, while the growth of tertiary sector
has a significant contribution in increasing interstate and
inter-region income inequality. Therefore, the findings of the
study imply that the phenomenon of service led growth in
post reforms period is mainly responsible for the widening
gap in the growth of various states and regions of India.
Keywords: beta convergence, growth rates.
JEL codes: R12, C23, E01.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Govt. P.G. College, Ambala Cantt.,
Haryana, India. Email: ombirhalwasia@gmail.com
Prevalence and Determinants of Multimorbidity Among
the Elderly People of Rural Odisha: A Case Study of
Bhadrak District
Satrughan Behera1
Sachidananda Sa2
Rathi Kanta Kumbhar3
Rahul Kumar4
Sapan Kumar Pradhan5
In India as well as the rest of the world, the proportion of
elderly people is continuously increasing. The increasing
elderly population poses its own challenges, one of the major
challenges is multimorbidity. Multimorbidity is defined as the
co-existence of more than two diseases or illnesses in the
same individual at the same time.This study examines the
prevalence of multimorbidity among the elderly in the
Bhadrak District of Odisha and estimates the socio-economic
determinants associated with multimorbidity.This study was
conducted among elderly people aged 60 years and above in
the Bhadrak district of Odisha from May 2020 to July 2020.
The study people were chosen through a multi-stage random
sampling technique. The results of the study show that poor
health behaviours and very low socioeconomic situations
among elderly people increase the higher risk
of multimorbidity. The Binary logistic regression result
shows that Age, Caste, living arrangement, and Income are
significantly affecting the morbidity status of the elderly people in the study area, whereas other factors had no
significant influence on the morbidity status of the elderly
people.The number of elderly people and their multiple
chronic conditions among them in rural areas of Odisha is
rising. To address this issue, it is required to furnish
specialized aging health care services for old age people, as
well as to control the most frequent health issues seen in
rural settings, and to give particular training to health care
Keywords: Prevalence, Multimorbidity, Rural, Elderly,
JEL Classification: I1, I18, J10, J14
- Research Scholar, Department of Economic Studies and Policy, Central University of
South Bihar, Gaya, India. Email: satrughan@cusb.ac.in
- Assistant Professor, P.G Department of Social Science, Fakir Mohan University,
Balasore, Odisha, India
- Professor, Department of Economic Studies and Policy, Central University of South
Bihar, Gaya, India
- Research Scholar, Department of Economic Studies and Policy, Central University of
South Bihar, Gaya, India
- Research Scholar, Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, India
Time-Series Forecasting of Four Cryptocurrencies
Market Using Machine Learning Models
Alok Kumar Pandey1
Bhartendu Kumar Chaturvedi2
Pawan Kumar Singh3
With the innovation of machine learning and artificial
intelligence, numerous methods have been proposed to study
and predict cryptocurrencies price, such as Artificial Neural
Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM), FBProphet, Convolutional Neural Network
sliding window, etc., but their accuracy level varies from
each other. The current study aims to predict the price of
cryptocurrencies and compare the results obtained using
LSTM, FBProphet, and Extreme gradient boosting
(XGBoost). Comparing the above three models will help
investors, financial traders, and speculators explain the
accurate prediction of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies
datasets were collected from yahoo finance and have been
categorised into training and test data. Three accuracy
measures indicators, viz, MAPE, MSE, and RMSE, show that
the application of the Prophet model to predict different
cryptocurrencies is significantly better than LSTM and
XGBoost in the current study. This study finds that the
prophet model performs better for all cryptocurrencies (BTC,
BNC, XRP, and ETH) and is consistent for all datasets.
Finally, this study shows that implementing the Prophet
approach to predict cryptocurrencies provides relevant
Keywords : Bitcoin, LSTM, Prophet, XGBoost, Mean Square
Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE).
- Centre for the Integrated and Rural Development, Banaras Hindu University, India.
E-mail: alokpandey@bhu.ac.in
- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Allahabad, India,
E-mail: bkchaturvedi.eco@gmail.com
- Department of Economics, Lakshmibai College, University of Delhi, India.
E-mail: pksecobhu@gmail.com
Determinants of Export Pricing and Moderation Effect
of Export Market Turbulence
Divya Singh1
Vishal Kumar Singh2
Amit Gautam3
The study attempts to address the disparity of unionizing the
export prices within the firm as export pricing is a significant
element for the success of a firm in an international setting.
With the use of structural equation modelling, the study
analyses the factors determining the export prices within a
firm- export intensity, information asymmetry, structure of
pricing authority and internal price coordination with a
moderating effect of export market turbulence. The findings
of the study suggest that the identified factors as
determinants have a significant impact on export pricing
which is further strengthened in the presence of export
market turbulence. It also proposes a model with the
practicality of implementation of the identified determinants
while determining export prices. Furthermore, the study
provides insights regarding the significance of internally
organising the export prices to the owners and managers
who are closely conversant with the strategic decision
Keywords : Export intensity, information asymmetry, internal pricing
coordination, structure of pricing authority, export market
- Doctoral Fellow, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 221005.
E-mail: divyasingh@fmsbhu.ac.in
- Assistant Professor, School of Management Sciences (SMS), Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh,
E-mail: vishalkrsingh@fmsbhu.ac.in
- Professor, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 221005,
E-mail: amitgautam@fmsbhu.ac.in
Impact of Green Network, Environmental Regulation,
and Firm Relocation on Consumer Choice
under Vertical Product Differentiation
Charu Grover Sharma1
The paper models a vertical product differentiation
framework with two countries - Home and Foreign Country
and two firms. A three-stage game is considered, where in
the first stage firms decide on location- Home Country or
Foreign Country, in the second stage firms choose
environmental quality and in the third stage firms choose
prices. It analyzes the impact of the green network effect and
output tax on market outcomes - environment quality, prices,
quantity, and profits. It shows that an increase in the green
network effect decreases environmental quality and prices
under all location scenarios, while it increases the market
share and profits of the environmental quality firm under all
location scenarios. The environmental regulation in form of
a tax on output has no impact on the environmental quality
of both firms. Relocation costs are an important factor in
firms’ relocation decisions. If relocation costs are in the
intermediate range, a separating equilibrium exists, where
one firm stays in the home country and the other firm
relocates to a foreign country. However, if relocation costs
are low, a pooling equilibrium where both firms remain in
the same country exists.
Keywords- Environmental Regulation; Green Network
Effect; Relocation; Pollution Haven; Vertical differentiation.
- Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi
Email: charu@iift.edu
Mediating Role of FDI and R&D in Trade–Stringency
Relation: A Study in Context of Sensitive
Goods Sector in G7
Kakali Majumdar1
Alisha Mahajan2
In the era of global trade, based on the stringency level,
different macro variables play mediating role that influences
the strategic behaviour of the countries’ international trade.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Research and
Development (R&D) are the two most important mediators
that influence the trade-stringency relation in global context.
The Group of Seven (G7) is aimed to promote free trade in
cooperation with the developing nations and contribute to a
significant percentage of global trade. In the present time it
is an important area of research to investigate the strategic
responses of these countries with regard to trade stringency
integration vis-a-vis the role of the mediators. The present
study is an attempt in this direction.
Time series data for G7 countries from 1990 to 2019 have
been used for the analysis. Single and Multiple mediator
models are used to study the mediating effect of FDI and
R&D between export of environmental sensitive goods and
environmental policy stringency Index with the theoretical
base of Pollution and Porter Hypothesis. Dynamic Ordinary
Least Square (DOLS) method, a robust single equation
technique that covers regressor leads and lags and
explanatory factors, are employed for estimation of the
mediator models. Because of the coverage of complexities in terms of stationarity, endogeneity, serial correlation, sample
bias etc.
Results suggests that FDI has insignificant role in
influencing the trade-stringency relation in G7 as all most all
the countries are developed country. Significant level of
technological development has been taken place in these
countries. All G7 countries except Italy are experiencing
Porter Hypothesis indicating significant contribution of
This study investigates one of the most contentious areas of
academic inquiry, namely the interrelationships between
environmental stringency and global trade flows in the G7
Keywords: Environmentally sensitive goods, Environmental
Stringency, G7, Export of Sensitive Goods, Pollution Haven
Hypothesis, Porter Hypothesis.
JEL Classification: F1, F2, Q5
- Associate Professor, School of Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Kakryal,
Katra, Dist: Reasi, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Email: kakoli.majumdar@smvdu.ac.in
- PhD Student, School of Economics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Kakryal, Katra,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
Examining Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Road
Accident Victims: A Study of Uttar Pradesh
Raja Srivastava1
N V Muralidhar Rao2
Devesh Kumar Shukla3
Shambhavi Mishra4
Despite changes in transport legislation, it has been seen
that there are many more established, broader societal
elements that are influencing the number of road traffic
accidents, including injuries, fatalities, and the
socioeconomic effects of RTAs in Uttar Pradesh, India. The
paper highlights the disparate impacts of collisions based on
class, gender, and location as well as the paucity of efforts to
comprehend the repercussions of collisions in the state. Data
from 1810 victims was utilizes quantitative data analysis
techniques such as Principal Component Analysis, binary
logistic regression, and examine the challenges faced by
victims and their dependents in accessing support systems.
The study results in the identification of numerous socio-
demographic factors that could influence the type and cause
of accidents. From the first model, we concluded that road
accident victims who are illiterate and living alone are more
prone to fatal accidents. Likewise, the second model
suggested that victims who are illiterate, living in either a
joint or a nuclear family, and belonging to high economic
status suffer more from accidents caused by rash driving.
The socioeconomic effects on traffic accident victims and the
challenges they face in accessing support networks. It
highlights the broader impact of accidents beyond physical injuries, emphasizing the role of driving behaviour, medical
assistance, and road infrastructure. Financial burdens and
bureaucratic complexities hinder timely assistance. The
study provides insights for policymakers and healthcare
professionals, advocating for a holistic approach to victim
- Research Scholar, Department of Economics and Finance, Birla Institute of
Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, Rajasthan 333031
- Senior Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Birla Institute of Technology
and Science (BITS) Pilani, Rajasthan.
Email: nvmrao@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in
- Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Uttar Pradesh- 226010.
Email: devesh.9oct@gmail.com
- Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-
Email: shambhavimishra.lko@gmail.com
Carbon Foot Print and Financial Performance of Listed
Firms in Nigeria
Sunday Oseiweh Ogbeide1
This study examined the relationship between a firm's carbon
footprint and its financial performance within the context of
Nigeria. The pressing global issue of climate change and
increasing environmental concerns have led to a growing
emphasis on corporate sustainability practices. As Nigeria
grapples with environmental challenges and strives to
achieve economic growth, it is imperative to understand how
a firm's carbon footprint affects its financial standing. The
research employed the causal-effect research design;
whilethe population of the study consisted of listed firms in
manufacturing as well as oil and sector in Nigeria. The
sample size of the study is thirty (30) firms. The data were
obtained from the World Bank Development Indicators
(WBDI) database and financial statements of the sampled
firms between 2018 and 2022. The data was analyzed using
descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and the generalized
method of moment (GMM) estimation method. The study
found that that carbon foot print influence firm financial
performance. Carbon emission and electricity consumption
exerted a positive and no significant effect on firms’ financial
performance in the context of Nigeria. The study therefore
recommended that firms should invest in energy-efficient
technologies and practices so as to reduce energy
consumption and, consequently, carbon emissions as this can
lead to cost savings and improved financial performance.
Firms should consider transitioning to renewable energy
sources such as solar or wind power.
Keywords : Carbon Foot Print, Carbon Emission, Electricity
Consumption, Financial Performance.
- Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Humanities, Social and Management
Sciences Elizade University, Ilara- Mokin, Ondo State, Nigeria.
E-mail: sunnyogbeide2017@gmail.com
Financial Development and Economic Growth in India -
An Econometric Analysis
Amit Kundu1
Barendra Nath Chakroborty2
The stock market's impact on economic development is
unquestionable. In this article, prime focus has been given to
the relationship between economic growth and stock market
performance keeping FDI as an instrumental variable. It is
found that all the variables (GDP, Nifity 50, FDI) under this
study are stationary at 1st difference. Johansson
Cointigration test supports that there is no cointigration
among variables, VAR results depict that the economy of
India was marked by the absence of causality between GDP
growth and Nifty 50 growth in two-way direction over the
period of study. The economy of India was marked by the
presence of unidirectional causality running from Indian
stock market to FDI over the research period.
Keywords: Nifty 50, GDP, FDI, Cointegration, VAR.
JEL Codes: E44, F43, C01
- Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma
University, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India.
Email: prof.amitkundu@gamil.com
- 4th Semester student, Department of Economics, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma
University, Cooch Behar, West Bengal, India.
Email: shashwata.chakraborty1999@gmail.com